Leg injuries
What factors can lead to foot pain
Every day you move with the help of your feet without paying the least attention to them until they get injured. In order to find a way to treat your pain, you must first know the cause of this pain. The first step is to identify the exact location of the pain. In this article, based on the location of the pain in the leg, we will examine the types of injuries that can cause it
Pain in the heel
If your heel hurts, you may have plantar fasciitis. This condition is caused by the inflammation of the strong tissue that connects the heel to the toe. The pain caused by plantar fascia is felt in the heel or the arch of the foot and usually reaches its maximum in the morning when getting out of bed
To treat this condition, you can do the following
Rest your feet
Do stretching exercises for the muscles of the soles of the feet
Use over-the-counter pain relievers
Wear shoes that cover the arch well and have proper insoles in the heel area
The formation of bone appendages in the heel (Heel Spurs) can also be another reason for pain in the heel. This condition is caused by abnormal bone growth in the heel. These appendages can be caused by wearing inappropriate shoes, walking or standing incorrectly, or even by activities such as running. This condition can be painful when walking and standing. Most people have this condition but do not feel pain. People whose soles are flat or too arched are more likely to feel the pain caused by the formation of these appendages
To treat this condition, you can do the following
Wearing medical pads for heels
Using shoe soles designed exclusively for your feet (they are also called orthotics)
Wearing shoes that perfectly fit your feet and have shock-absorbing soles
Taking painkillers without a prescription
Rest your feet
If the above methods are not effective in reducing your pain, ask your doctor about other treatment options
Stone Bruise is a deep bruise in the round bone under the big toe (Ball of the foot) or the fat pad covering the heel, which is caused by severe injuries or due to heel impact. It is created with a solid object. The pain caused by this complication is like walking on pebbles, which gradually and spontaneously decreases and improves
Actions you can take at the time of injury include
Rest your feet
Using an ice pack on the injured area
Taking painkillers without a prescription
Heel fracture is another cause of heel pain. The heel bone may be fractured or even crushed due to severe injuries such as a hard fall or an accident. The symptoms of heel bone fracture are usually associated with the following symptoms
the pain
a bruise
Inability to walk
The process of treating a heel fracture can include the following measures
Avoid putting pressure on the heel; For this purpose, you can walk with the help of a cane for a while
Cover the heel using special medical pads
Using a splint or plastering the heel
Talk to your doctor about taking prescription and over-the-counter pain relievers
If your pain continues after doing the above, talk to your doctor about the option of surgery
Pain in the lower part of the toe
Metatarsalgia is one of the causes of pain and inflammation in the lower part of the toe. The usual cause of this complication is wearing inappropriate shoes; A shoe that does not match the shape of the foot. But intense activities such as running or jumping can also cause metatarsalgia. Sometimes this condition is also called stone bruise
To treat this condition, you can do the following
Taking painkillers
Rest your feet
Use of ice pack
Wear appropriate shoes
In order to reduce the pressure on the toe, use an insole for your shoes
As a result of a complication called Morton's neuroma, the tissue containing the nerve receptors that pass between the first part of the toes (usually between the third and fourth toes) becomes thick. This change causes the person to experience pain or numbness in the lower part of the toe. Often, women suffer from this condition due to wearing high-heeled or tight shoes
To treat this condition, you can do the following
Placing a special insole inside the shoe to reduce the amount of pressure on the nerve
Injection of steroids or other drugs in the leg
Taking painkillers
Not wearing high heels or pointed shoes
Avoiding activities that put pressure on the pinched nerve
Near the big toe, there are two bones called sesamoid, which are connected only by a tendon. When the tendon connecting two sesamoid bones is injured or inflamed, it is called sesamoiditis. Pink sesamoiditis is a complication of tendonitis that is often common among runners and ballerinas
To treat this condition, you can do the following
Rest your feet
Using an ice pack in the pain area
Placing a medical pad under the toe
Closing the thumb in order to prevent the joint from moving and to help the healing process
Consultation with a doctor regarding steroid injection
Pain in the arch of the foot
Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of pain in the arch of the foot. This complication may involve the heel, the arch of the foot, or both, and the treatment method is the same in all three cases. For chronic plantar fasciitis, a combination injection of steroid and local anesthetic is usually recommended
Fallen arches/Flat feet is a condition in which the arch of the foot is lost and leads to pain and other problems
The process of treating this complication can include the following
Placing a special insole inside the shoe
Adjust shoe features to match foot shape
Use of ice pack
Getting help from a cane while walking
Sometimes also surgery
Pain in the toe
One of the causes of toe pain is gout, which is a type of arthritis. As a result of this complication, crystals are formed in the joints of the toes, which lead to severe pain and swelling. Of these, the big toe is often affected
The treatment process of this organ can include the following
Rest your feet
Use of ice pack
Taking drugs such as colchicine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or prednisone
Avoiding foods that aggravate gout
Bunion is a bone growth that occurs on the side of the inner blade of the foot and near the beginning of the big toe. This condition leads to deviation of the big toe from its natural direction. Wearing shoes with the wrong size is one of the reasons that can make people suffer from bunions. This condition often appears naturally as people age. People with bunions often also have hammertoe. For treatment, try to change your shoes and use appropriate medical insoles. If your pain continues with this change, then your doctor may suggest surgery
Hammertoe syndrome is a condition in which the second, third and fourth toes are bent from the middle joint and have a hammerlike appearance. Hammer toe is caused by muscle imbalance (one muscle is stronger than another), but wearing inappropriate shoes does not affect its occurrence
For treatment, the doctor will most likely suggest you to wear shoes that have a wide toe and a suitable bed for the toes. He also teaches you some stretching exercises for your toes. After these steps, if you still have pain, you will most likely be offered the option of surgery
Claw toe is a condition where the toes are bent up or down and no longer straighten. This complication is often due to nerve damage caused by diseases such as diabetes or alcoholism, which also leads to weakening of the leg muscles. To avoid irritation and calluses, people should wear special shoes that are compatible with the toes
To treat this condition, you can do the following
Wear appropriate shoes. Avoid wearing high heels and tight shoes
Doing stretching exercises for the joints of the toes
Using medical insoles
Ask your doctor about the option of surgery
When the skin around the nail grows from one or both sides and touches the nail, it is said that the nail is ingrown (ingrowth toenail). This complication can lead to pain and infection
To treat this condition, you can do the following
Put your feet in lukewarm water for four hours a day
Once a day, place a gauze between the nail and the moistened skin
If the above methods are not effective, be sure to see a doctor
Turf toe is a condition where a person has pain at the beginning of the big toe bone. This complication is the result of excessive activity and a twist in the ligaments. Grass foot can be considered a type of sesamoiditis or a type of sesamoid bone fracture. Most of the athletes who play on fields covered with artificial grass are exposed to this problem, that's why this problem is called grass foot
Toe sprains occur when they contract under pressure or suddenly and firmly hit something and as a result the tendons around them are damaged. If the fingers are not broken, the pain and swelling caused by the sprain will heal on its own after some time
Any of the bones that make up the toes may be fractured. Mild fractures can be treated with rest, ice packs, and painkillers, but severe fractures require surgery to heal
Hallux rigidus or dry big toe is a type of arthritis that occurs at the beginning of the big toe. Pain and stiffness of the thumb joint are among the symptoms of hallux rigidus, which gradually increase in severity over time. Taking painkillers and doing stretching exercises are among the treatment methods for this condition, but in some cases, recovery can only be achieved by surgery
The rough skin tissue formed on the parts of the foot and toes that are under pressure or have a burning sensation are called corns. Corns sometimes look like horns. Callus is also rough skin tissue
Wearing suitable and comfortable shoes with short heels